The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

Lemon Cake May 31, 2007

Filed under: portion control — holly @ 7:14 pm

So, I tried those lemon cakes from Weight Watchers thinking it would be a nice treat at 1 point a piece.

They were SO TINY!

So I had 3.


BTW – I started eating a fat free yogurt and looked up the points as I was eating it. 3 points! Holy shit! If I’m going to use 3 points on a snack, it will be 3 lemon cakes, not a yogurt!

I also heard those 100 Calorie Hostess packs are only 1 point! I’m definitely checking those out. I need my treats!


Week 2 down

Filed under: meetings,progress — holly @ 2:11 am

I was pretty good this Memorial Day weekend. Okay, so I probably had one t00 many chicken sausages, and a beer on Sunday, but I wasn’t nearly as bad as I normally would be.

So this week, I was happy that I lost SOMETHING.

2.2 lbs this week!

That’s 6.4 lbs total in 2 weeks!

Maybe this week, I’ll actually try to incorporate some activity!


WAHOO! May 24, 2007

Filed under: meetings,progress — holly @ 1:25 pm

Got to the first weigh-in last night and was terrified that I didn’t lose anything!

I lost 4.2 lbs!!!!!!!!!

In 1 week!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know this rate will not continue, but I feel much better than I am actually doing it!

I splurged and bought some of the cookbooks yesterday for my mother (petite size 4) and I to share. I like that I can pretty much fresh salsa as I want. I just need to find things to put it on.

Also, Lois got some great turkey sausage for me to bring to BBQs this weekend! It’s got apples and cheese in it or something. It’s 2 points per sausage, but how many do I  need?


weigh in #1 May 23, 2007

Filed under: daily tally — holly @ 1:27 pm

Tonight is the weigh in after my first week on Weight Watchers. I’m actually really nervous. I feel like I’ve been really good, but I think I’ll be really disappointed with myself if I don’t lose ANYTHING.

 Yesterday was a great day. Check out my points!

 Fiber One Cereal (Honey Clusters) with skim milk: 5

1 can V8: 1

Turkey on 12-grain bread with avocado, Lettuce, tomato and mustard: 4

Small apple: 1

2 cans Diet Coke: 0

Gilled pork (1 cup): 3

Grilled veggies (zucchini, squash and green peppers): 0

salad with tomatoes and cucumbers and balsalmic vinigrette: 3

Weight Watchers ice cream bar: 2

6 glasses of water: 0 

Total points: 19!!!


new treat

Filed under: great finds — holly @ 2:29 am

My wonderful wife brought home a little treat for me tonight.

Weight Watchers English Toffee Crunch ice cream bars (only 2 points!)


I’ve been doing ok with the points, but have not done anything “activity” this week! I need to work on that!


almost done with week one! May 21, 2007

Filed under: temptation — holly @ 9:18 pm

I think I’ve been doing pretty well. So, maybe I wasn’t perfect yesterday at Emma’s baptism.

I had a some tiny little peppers with provolone and prosciotto (sp?) but I only had 4 pieces of pasta and didn’t have any bread (ok, one bite to see if it was yummy. It wasn’t worth it).

I had the fruit salad instead of the cake. And I’m sure the veal entree, while surrounded with artichokes and asparagus, wasn’t the most point-free meal. But I did drink sparkling water the entire afternoon. Until…


We got back to B. and S.’s house and her highly intoxicated, and fun relatives forced me into drinking. Ok, so maybe I wasn’t forced.

I did figure that a rum and diet coke would be better than my usual beer, but not so much. Plus, I was not making my own drinks, so I’m a little worried about how many “jiggers” I might have really had.

Let’s just say yesterday I gave up a significant amount of my excess weekly points.

Aside from that, I’ve been doing pretty well, I think. I guess I won’t know if I’ve made any progress until the weigh-in in 2 days.


Weight Watchers Day 1 May 17, 2007

Filed under: meetings — holly @ 2:25 pm

I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting last night.

I have to say, I actually enjoyed myself. I really liked our “leader” and everyone was SOOOO nice, it was unbelievable.

It was a little discouraging to find out that my doctor’s office scale was correct and, yes, I am the absolute heaviest I have ever been, 20 lbs more than my old absolute heaviest in law school and 5 lbs over the weight I told myself I would never be.

I’m doing the FLEX plan. I know that some of my blogging buddies are WW buddies, so please feel free to keep me in the loop – I’m very excited about this.

This morning, I got to the office, took my low-fat yogurt out of the fridge and got ready to make my “healthy breakfast” of yogurt and low-fat granola.

When I looked at the points, it came to 9 points!!!!!

Hell, if I can only have 26 points a day, I’m not blowing 9 of them on yogurt and granola.

I think I can do this. So many things we were talking about last night had me nodding my head again and again.

I really think I can do this. The goal is 50 lbs.

Here goes Day 1.


changes May 14, 2007

Filed under: needing motivation — holly @ 2:17 pm

I know that this is totally and completely in my control. It’s all about willpower and making excuses, for me.

When Lois was pregnant and on bedrest, it was convenient for me to get take-out food and keep her company by sitting my fat ass on the couch when I was home.

Now, I have very few excuses left.

Thing is, I used to be skinny. I keep living looking back on that and saying Damn! but not changing anything.

Previously, when I had gained weight (sorta like the last few years), I got frustrated that I was gaining and threw my hands up in the air thinking “screw it, I’m just going to be fat.”

2 weeks ago, things started changing. 3 incidents made me realize where I am right now.

1. I saw pictures of my backside from the baby shower and was like “OMG! Am I that big??!?!?”

2. I ran to the mall with my mother to go suit shopping. She’s a petite 4 – as if that isn’t depressing enough. When I started law school, way back in 2000, I was a size 8. An 8. When I was in the dressing room at Lord & Taylor on this particular day, I had 2 size 16 suits that ended up being too tight in the ass. I wanted to lay down on the floor and cry.

3. I had a physical. I haven’t had a physical in years. I don’t know the results of my cholesterol test yet, but it was the weigh-in that set me off. I had a number in my head that was “fat” (for me) and that I was always far short of it – by at least 50 pounds. I got on that doctor scale and I was 5 lbs over it. WTF????????????? Are you kidding me? I was so depressed when I left there, I stopped and bought a Diet Dr. Pepper and a chocolate croissant (nice, huh?)

I am tired of being embarrased when I run into people I knew from high school or college. I am tired of being afraid to shop for clothes. I am tired of wanting to hide from the camera (even for pictures with my son)!

I am joining Weight Watchers this week. They have meetings at 7 pm on Wednesday nights, which is perfect for my schedule. I also want to get back on my running program. The thing is, I know what to do. I was a competitive Division I athlete for crying out loud. I know how to work out, what to eat, when to eat certain things, etc. It’s the drive that I think I’ve been lacking.

 I want to go on vacation with my kid at the end of July and not be mortified to wear shorts.  I want to feel good and maybe even a little sexy!

This is different from those other “back on the wagon” announcements. This time, things change.