The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

The best laid plans February 4, 2010

Filed under: daily updates — holly @ 12:03 pm

Wednesdays are my Day One of the week. So, yesterday was Day One of the whole weight loss ordeal.

I weighed in.

It was awful.

But I have a starting point. ugh.

This morning, I set out to do my Jillian.Michaels Wii Fit game and started a 30 minute weight loss workout. 4.5 minutes into the program, Andrew came downstairs and stood next to me asking questions.

Less than 2 minutes later, Dylan started screeching over the baby monitor.

So, I got about 6.5 minutes done so far. I will try again around 1 pm if I get Andrew down in his playroom or down for a nap! That’s hoping I can keep Dylan on the same nap cycle!

Lo also wavered a little from our plans and brought home some things from Costco yesterday that are not the most helpful:

– Costco sized muffins (banana nut and corn)

– frozen Texas toast

– a ginormous bag of tortilla chips

I will try to refrain. I am leaving for Vermont tomorrow afternoon and will probably have to eat for convenience for 2 days, then will have to survive the Super Bowl.

But if I cheat, I will try not to achieve the expanded belly level of fullness that I usually shoot for!

Week One is already proving to be a challenge, but then again I’m not giving up!


Day 10, 11 and 12 April 14, 2008

Filed under: daily updates,Spring Challenge — holly @ 7:51 pm

It was a busy weekend. And I’ve just flown right into the beginning of a busy work week.

Can’t write too much right now, but I need to update.

My official weight will be my WW weigh-ins on Mondays.

As far as my “new” week 1 went, I lost 2.2 lbs this week.

Not as good of a start as I had hoped, but it is a LOSS, so I can’t complain. Plus, I didn’t really deserve to lose any more of that this past week.

This upcoming week, I will deserve to lose every pound I lose as well.


Day 9 of 53 April 11, 2008

Filed under: daily updates,Spring Challenge — holly @ 2:17 pm

Lesson of the day: carefully read the nutritional info on the package. For example, the WW quesadillas have 4 points on the box. There are 2 (half) quesadillas in the box. I heat up both for lunch and eat both – because only 1 was definitely not enough food. After lunch, I reread the box. 4 points is for 1. I had 8 points for lunch. Dammit.


Breakfast: fruit (pineapple, peaches, grapefruit, oranges and honeydew) with full-fat cottage cheese (I had no other choice)

banana and Crys*l Light iced tea

Lunch: 8 point quesadilla (BTW – I can make a much better and bigger 4 point quesadilla at home) and a Diet Dr. Pepper

Snack: WW Peanut Butter Bliss bar (I’m still totally loving these – and Hungry-girl just did a write up on them)

Dinner: we had leftover pulled pork, which is terrible points-wise. But I just did a little bit of it (less than a cup) and I threw it on a WW English muffin. This was followed up with a salad (just lettuce and nuts) with balsalmic.

none again. I really suck. The time thing is very tough. I have been working long hours the past 2 weeks (leaving the house at 7:30 am and getting home around 7:30 pm) Every night this week, we’ve had company at our house around dinner. Plus, I haven’t been going to sleep until after 11 pm. The only way I will be able to get on the treadmill is to get up before 6 am. Ugh.


Again, I am still not declaring official weight until my Monday WW meetings. However, based on my “just out of the shower totally naked weigh-in” this morning, compared to my “just out of the shower totally naked weigh-in” on Day 1, I am down 4.8 lbs.


Day 8 of 53 April 10, 2008

Filed under: daily updates,Spring Challenge — holly @ 6:23 pm

Exercise: just my everyday walking. Nothing special. I do think I should get a cheap pedometer. Just walking from the parking garage to my office and all of the walking I do in the office should be a decent amount.


Not bad. I haven’t done my points yet because my book is at work.

Breakfast: Thomas’ light whole wheat English muffin with small amount of I Can’t Believe it’s not butter and some Stonew*all Kitchen blueberry jam (worth however many points it may be).

Snack: Banana

Lunch: turkey, lettuce and cheese on WW bread and a key lime WW yogurt.

Snack: 2 WW peanut butter bliss bars (2 points)

Dinner: whole wheat pasta with chicken and peppers, zucchini and tomatoes (my wonderful wife made two skillets – one for her with regular pasta and one for me with whole wheat)

Dessert: a pear and some popcorn (with a teeny bit of butter)


Last night, I started watching the Pr*metime about “The L*ast Lecture”. It was on too late, so I taped the rest. For those of you who haven’t heard about it, this amazing college professor found out he had terminal cancer and decided to share his perspective on life before he died. It’s quite amazing.

This morning, I woke up and decided that I need to read A N*ew Earth. It’s in my work bag and I’ve been carrying it around with me. I think I need to sit and read it ASAP.

One of the things that has held me up with the weight loss is my attitude. I never realized how negative and lazy I was until I started listening to people who are inspirational.

I think my inability to lose weight up to this point has been my total lack of self-propel as I like to call it. I mean, here I am, this (somewhat) successful lawyer, mom to an amazing little boy, wife to the most beautiful wonderful woman I’ve ever met, friend to great friends. I have a great life. What is the apathy about? Why am I sitting around not feeling as great as I should? For crying out loud, I have my health, I am not disabled, there are so many people who would kill to have my physical abilities, why do I waste them?

I remember one of the posts from a while back on From Thick to Thin – an article about mental weight loss. What I took away from it was this ATTITUDE = OUTCOME. Isn’t that the entire point of “The Secret”. It seems so f*&king simple. Why is it really so hard to actually DO? Live? Achieve?


What keeps you motivated?

Or in the alternative, what is standing in your way of achieving?

What stops us from taking control of the things we can control?


Day 7 of 53 April 9, 2008

Filed under: daily updates,Spring Challenge — holly @ 3:12 pm


I had a meeting at 8:30 am in my town, so I was able to get on the treadmill in the morning by getting up at 6:30. I did 18 minutes of run 1 min/walk 1 min. It’s a modified version of the week 1 beginning program, but I didn’t want to overdo anything. It felt good despite the tough part of having to get out of bed to get on the treadmill.


Again, things were pretty good until dinner time. We had tacos. Yummy.

I had a Thomas’ light whole wheat English muffin with blueberry jam (just a little bit), my usual DD coffee (Toasted Almond) with skim and splenda.

PB Fib*r one bar and an apple

H*ealthy Choice steamer thing (chicken marinara) = 5 points. Those steamer meals are really good. I am putting it on my shopping list to get many more.
Diet Dr. Pepper.

As for my beverages for the day, I bought one of those new G*torades, the G2. I drank the entire thing over 2 days by mixing with ¼ drink and ¾ water. I can’t drink it straight up, I have to really water it down. This morning, I looked at the sodium content and decided to try ProP*l instead.

2 of those WW peanut butter mini bars – so yummy.

I had 4 small tacos. Not so good, but dammit I wrote it down.

I weighed myself this morning and think I’m down 2 lbs from last week, but I will use my Monday weigh-in WW weight at the official weight.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Jocelyn! Your progress has been so amazing! Thank you for your tips. I hope we can help inspire each other to stay on course!


Day 6 of 53 April 8, 2008

Filed under: daily updates,great finds,Spring Challenge — holly @ 8:11 pm

Went over my points on Day 6. Dammit.

But I did go to WW for the first time since the first week of January. And believe it or not, I have only gained .7 lbs since then.

I wasn’t going to post my actual weight on here but I’m now throwing caution to the wind. If I’m embarrassed about my weight then I better damn change it.

Here’s the weight info:

  • When I met Lois, I weighed around 135 lbs. At 5’7”, that was fairly lean.
  • After law school and life, I weighed in at my very first WW meeting back in May 2007 at 205 lbs.
  • That is a gain of 70 lbs people!!!!
  • Poor Lois. When I met her, I was all cute and skinny. Then I pulled the whole “bait and switch” thing.
  • My goal weight for WW is 155. I don’t think I will ever be 135 again.
  • As of yesterday, I am 187.2 lbs.
  • I have gained 5 lbs since my prior WW loss, but I’m still down about 18 lbs from where I started.
  • My 10% goal right now is to lose 18 lbs-19 lbs. This fits in well with my “lose 20 lbs in 8 weeks” goal. Again, I know it’s lofty, but since I have lost all of January, February and March, I need to kick it up into full gear now.
  • Losing 10% gets me into the 160s. That is a great start.

Even with looking at all these numbers, I am keeping the “5 lbs at a time” mantra in my head so I don’t get too overwhelmed.

So, I did go over my points, but I am very glad I went to the WW meeting and I am tracking. I was down to 6 points when I got home for dinner.

Lois made pulled pork and mashed potatoes and our friend Suz was baking cupcakes in our kitchen. Ugh. I rationalized having some of everything because it was a weigh-in day and I’d already been weighed in! LOL!!!


Nothing on Day 6 but I will be reporting more progress in tomorrow’s post.

Plus, I am seriously considering signing up for the “moonlight” run 5k on June 6th. I might wait a few more weeks before I waste my $13 entry fee, but I really think this might be a good motivation for me.

Find of the day: WW Peanut Butter Bliss mini bars = 1 pt. Yummy!


Day 3, 4 and 5 April 7, 2008

Filed under: daily updates,Spring Challenge — holly @ 1:31 pm

Ok, ok. So I already blew the “a post a day” thing.

This is a 3 day wrap up.

Friday was a pretty good day. Again, no exercise. (I totally suck)
But I stayed under my points for the day.

Saturday started off well. I had coffee and a bowl of Cheerios with banana and blueberries. When we arrived at the 9-yr-old boy birthday party, I grabbed a Fiber One bar and had 2 bowls of salad with oil and vinegar. Then, I started “picking”. I had a few honey wheat pretzels, but then I dipped them in ranch. Oops.

We left there to head to the 2-yr-old boy birthday party. This turned out to be a total disaster, food-wise, that is. My friend Suz made 2 different baked bries (one with maple/walnut and one with berries). So I had to try them both on some apple slices. I also needed to try some artichoke dip with pretzels.

I thought I was doing okay by staying away from the big ticket items (cake, ice cream) but I think I ate enough veggies (with dip) and oh yeah, a piece or two of pizza to pack on a few scores of points.

Saturday and Sunday, no exercise. I really suck.

But, I did have a new workout motivation. I ran into a woman at church who just came from a 5K. She told me about a “moonlight” run that happens Memorial Day weekend. I’m thinking of making that a goal. I’m going to look into how long the run is and if I can do it by then.

Needless to say, I got on the scale yesterday morning and weighed the same that I did on Wednesday.

Today is Day 6 and I might actually attend a WW meeting today. I know I won’t be happy with the weigh-in. I’m guessing it will be 5 lbs more than my last WW weigh in 10 weeks ago. Sigh.

But I’m still forging ahead. And writing about it. Good or bad.


Day 2 of 53 April 4, 2008

Filed under: daily updates — holly @ 1:58 pm


I set my alarm for 5 am and got out of bed at 6:30 am. I think I may try to wake up 10 minutes earlier every day until I get to 5 am. I can’t just jump right to it. I need my sleep, but I definitely need to work out in the mornings. Evenings just won’t work with our busy lifestyle.
I did a modified version of Day One on the runnersworld plan. The last time I tried it, I was sore and incapacitated for 4 days. This time, I took it easy. I’m out of shape and overweight, I don’t have visions of marathon greatness at this point.
I was on the treadmill for 20 minutes doing 1 minute walking, 1 minute running. All times were approximate since my watch was on my dresser 2 stories up.
After the treadmill, I made sure I stretched my calves, hamstrings, Achilles and quads.
Then, I did a few quick stomach crunches (10 to the left, 10 to the right, 10 straight up) and a set of 10 push-ups (in the “women’s” style).
My back hurt when I tried to do any more crunches and my arms wouldn’t take any more push-ups. I think it’s hysterical that many moons ago, I passed the Air F*orce Academy physical test with FLYING colors.

Breakfast: 1 cup coffee with fat free French vanilla creamer. 1 cup cottage cheese (full fat – that’s all they had at the café) and some fruit (strawberries, grapefruit, peaches, oranges and pineapple) with just a splash of Spl*nda.

Lunch was okay but I did a full Pan*ra sandwich (the veggie one on multi-grain bread) and 2 different salads. I ate a lot of fruit salad in the afternoon to make it through a seminar that ran 5-7 pm.

Then, I had another ½ of a veggie sandwich for dinner, along with just a few stuffed shells that Lois made for dinner.

The dinner thing can be tough sometimes when the wife isn’t on the diet train. I’m looking forward to summer to eat a lot of grilled stuff, including tons of veggies.

I am getting the daily emails from and encourage everyone else to sign up. I really want to try the butternut squash French fries soon.

I am down one pound since Monday, but I’m getting bloated and I’m not going to weigh myself until next Monday.

The weekend is coming and it will be challenging, but I know I can do it.

I’m feeling o.k. right now. I’m not blown away with my start, but I’ve also had a lot going on and feel tired. I know I will start feeling great soon as I get into a rhythm. I just keep thinking about myself in a pair shorts in 2 months.


Day 1 of 53 April 3, 2008

Filed under: daily updates,Spring Challenge — holly @ 4:18 pm

So, I planted the seed for a Spring Challenge over at From Thick to Thin. It’s an open invite for anyone!!  

We’ll call yesterday Day One. And I think as of yesterday, there are 53 days until Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. My math may be wrong.

I promise to post every day. Even weekends. (I will do my best).

I must say that changing your habits is very tough. I’ve done it before, I know I can do it again. But mind over matter is not so easy. Your body is used to patterns that you’ve created and your body doesn’t always have the “spring into action” response that you were hoping for.

Day One Food

Yesterday, I wrote down everything in my WW diary. I went 5 points over for the day. Which isn’t too bad, but I went 30 points over on Monday (dinner at W*ndy’s – tee hee)

It was hard because the 1st Wednesday of every month, we have an attorney luncheon which is basically presents a few food choices and many dessert choices. I had some cous cous, beef, salmon and a little bit of the linguini with veggies. I had one bite of a fruit tart thing and decided it wasn’t worth the points.

Dinner was grilled chicken (with a little Kikom*n baste n glaze), peas w/ onions and I did have one half of a baked potato which I put a little full fat sour cream in with my fat free sour cream.

I decided that I need to focus on breakfast more. I need to plan better. Yesterday I had a Fib*r One bar (which I absolutely love), a banana and a part-skim string cheese. For my coffee, I am trying to limit my D*nkin D*nuts for financial reasons, so I have bought the Fat-Free French Vanilla coffee creamer. I only have one cup a day. I’m allowing myself coffee.

I have a seminar for work today and they are ordering P*nera’s. Since I love P*nera and have looked up the nutritional info on the website before, I requested (very nicely) that the person ordering the food get me a Mediterr*nean Veggie sandwich. That and some salad won’t be too, too terrible.

Day One Workout

Nothing. But I did a workout this morning before work. I will report on that in tomorrow’s post.


At the seminar at lunch today. I need to turn away from the wonderful P*nera cookies and bread. Tonight, we have a 2 hour meeting from 5-7 pm which I’m sure will have snackies and such. I may bring my own bottle of Cryst*l Light Iced Tea and maybe ever a GoLe*n bar.

Also, our Norwegian visitor is still with us for a few more weeks. She wants to have burgers now and then and definitely wants to go to Outb*ck Steak House while she is here. I will need to look up some info on Outb*ack’s meals online before we go. I also have 2 birthday parties this weekend. Plus, Lois and I may have a “date night” this Saturday since Lois’ brother wants the boy for the night. A “date night” for us usually involves burgers and nachos. We will need to behave ourselves.

My weaknesses are not the sweets, but are: cheese, burgers, potatoes, bread, snacks, creamy soups, creamy salad dressings, red meat, fried foods, etc. I will not eat margarine and I will not have fat free cheese. Therefore, I need to limit what I do have of these items. I may consider trying fat free Ranch dressing. My wife also makes awesome vinaigrette dressing. Maybe I should eat more salads at home.

Yesterday was also day one of my friend, Aunt Flo visiting. This also may bring some frumpy moments where I want comfort food and the rest of the time, I will crave chocolate and fight off any activity that requires energy.


Note to self – swing by the grocery store and pick up:

  • Gator*de (I always have to dilute with water – like 50% diluted)
  • Fruit
  • Fib*r One bars (Peanut Butter)
  • V8
  • Cereal (I currently like either the Fib*r One honey crunch or the Sp*cial K Vanilla Almond)
  • Progr*sso Soup – the zero point WW kind. The southwest chicken one is pretty darn good. There’s nothing like having a nice warm bowl of soup that’s ZERO points.
  • Fat Free ranch dressing
  • Baby carrots