The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

17.4 May 19, 2010

Filed under: b.iggest l.oser,exercise,goals — holly @ 10:15 am

I’m down 17.4!

Ugh, I just want to hit that 20 lb mark!

I lost 3 lbs this past week, but it wasn’t because I tracked or ate right or worked out at all. I was actually supposed to be on Week 4 of p90x last week. On Tuesday, I came down with a stomach bug. Sorry for the TMI, but I was spending hours on the john every day for almost 8 days. I was exhausted and my body was achy. I ate anything I could and drank Power.ade like it was going out of style so I didn’t dehydrate. The night before my weigh in, I actually went out to all-you-can-eat-buffet. I wonder how much weight I would have lost if it wasn’t for that.

So, now I’m behind on p90x so I was thinking about going back and doing week 3 again to start fresh.

Then, a conversation with some high school friends on changed my mind.

P90X has been tough because it’s an hour or 1.5 hours per workout. With us moving, the boys both having sleep issues, me being sick, etc., it’s totally been hard to stick with it.

At the same time, a friend at work is trying to convince me to do a sprint triathlon in my town in September.


I’m come up with a plan.

I’ve ordered the Jillian.Michaels from amaz.on and will do that hard core for 30 days. Then, I will be about 13 weeks away from the triathlon, so I start the 12 week beginner’s triathlon training.

If I get through all that, I will go back to p90x after the triathlon or incorporate some of it into my “strength training” part of the tri-training.

All that while sticking with WW.

This week has already gotten off to a horrific start. Dylan’s Baptism is this upcoming Sunday. And it’s almost like since I know I won’t go to my weigh-in on Sunday morning, I’m not being good.

But I’m not going to let a few bad days sink my entire week. I’m back on track today and will hopefully get the Shred dvd in the mail today so I can start it tomorrow!

Then, my brother’s wedding is on Sat., so that will probably be another points-fest.

Oh well. I’m sticking with what I can at this point.

I’m not happy that I’m not more than 17.4 pounds down after 10 weeks but I need to stay positive and remind myself that I’m down 17.4 lbs! Dammit!!

I also won this week of the Biggest.Loser at work! I’m going to spend my $5 on lotto tickets! LOL


below pre-pregnancy weight May 6, 2010

Filed under: exercise,goals,incentives to lose — holly @ 10:17 am

I’m pretty sure I started off my pregnancy at 185 or so. I can’t remember now.

But I lost another 3 lbs this week and weighed in at 184.2!

I’m down 14.8 lbs since March 1.

On the down side, I just had a piece of Bridgewater chocolate with peanut butter. I’m going to give myself 5 points for that. And I’ve probably used all my extra points for the week on Monday and Tuesday. But I’m looking forward.

I’ve not been aggressive with the workouts this week due to some sleep issues in our house. (It’s flippin’ hard to get up at 5:30 am to work out when you’re getting to sleep after 11 or so).

I’m continuing on though. I have a goal to look good for our big golf tournament on June 26th.

I want to be as close to 170 as possible by then!

Plus, I started the Biggest.Loser competition here at work again. This week is Week 1. I’m letting my competitive spirit drive me on this one for the next 8 weeks! I want to win the pot so I can go out and buy myself a suit!