The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

11.8 April 28, 2010

Filed under: progress — holly @ 11:52 am

I’ve been a blog slacker yet again.

Mamamia! I can’t believe how awesome you’ve done. Congratulations? Have we talked before about how you are doing it?

I’m down another 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 11.8 in 7 weeks.

I’m a little disappointed that it was only 1.2 considering that I did p90x all week. BUT, let’s be honest, the p90x was a lazy version. I only did it for 5 days and I took it pretty easy on my knee. But I’m continuing on with the working out.

This week, I’m stepping up the p90x in terms of trying to make it through the entire workouts but I’m still going easy with any squats or jumping on my left knee.

At the WW meeting last week, a guy who’s lost 60 lbs since September said that he does 3 things that I liked: (1) takes Sundays “off” from tracking but doesn’t go overboard; (2) tries not to use any of his 35 extra points; and (3) doesn’t put down his activity points.

I might try this but I must admit that I already realized that I need a decent breakfast after a workout. So, I may keep tabs on my activity points just so I can justify having a WW breakfast sandwich or some eggs in the morning.

My next goal is the 20 lb mark.

That’s only 8.2 lbs away!!


Week 6 April 15, 2010

Filed under: exercise,food,progress — holly @ 11:59 am

I’m in the 180s!

It hasn’t been the fastest weight loss so far. I am down 9.6 since I started WW but there were 2 weeks before and after Easter where I let some things go. Plus, our anniversary weekend, I really enjoyed myself (complete with nachos and this amazing flatbread pizza with steak, cheese, spinach fried onions and some horseradish drizzle, oh my god it was worth it!)

Now I’m really back in the saddle. I’m more back in the saddle than I’ve been in 10 years!!

I am dragging friends along with me to my WW meetings and we’ve started a FB group of our crazy meeting friends.

So I better be blogging on here more!

I’m at 189.4 – only .4 away from my first 10 lbs!

I also started working out. Last week, I found my old Power.90 DVD. I only have the starting one, but I figured I would try it out. I’ve successfully gotten my butt out of bed almost every morning for 10 days now (with 2 days off in there) and done the workouts while everyone else in the house is sleeping.

Tomorrow morning, I will talk to my physical therapist about my knee and see if she’ll give me the go-ahead to start p90x! I know it’s going to kick my ass, but I’m totally ready to have my ass kicked. I have a feeling my knee has taken a step or two backwards since it’s been bothering me a lot this week. It was fine the first week of Power.90 but it’s having some issues lately. I hope it’s just part of the recovery process and I can move on with things!

I also bought a bike.

I was thinking about starting to run and maybe consider doing a 5k this summer. The PT that I see on the weekends has been trying to talk me out of running. He is pushing me towards cycling. I do realize that with my knee issues, cycling would be much better for me.

I am trying not to spend $ right now, unless I end up being really committed to this. So I found a mountain bike at the good.will store for $20. It looks well worn, but it works!

Our area is not great for biking (I live pretty much in the ghetto at the top of a huge hill), so I’m not sure when I’m going to start biking regularly, but I also think I need to not overdo the workout thing just yet.

Other than that, food choices have been getting easier.

Recent finds:

– Sugar-free Arizona Pomegranate Green Tea
– Weight Watchers breakfast quesadillas/breakfast stuffed sandwich/breakfast sandwiches
– WW artisan bread sandwiches
– I’ve rediscovered my love for grapefruit
– Snowpeas!!!

Hope you all are still out there following along!

Mamamia – you are my inspiration! You are doing AWE.SOME!! Keep it up (I also need to know where you got those t-shirts for the kids on your blog!)


uphill climb February 25, 2010

Filed under: progress — holly @ 12:22 pm

I think that I’m nearing the end of my immobile, inactivity funk. I am back to work and having to wear real clothes instead of baggy sweatpants every day has brought me back to reality.

I do weigh pretty much the same as my pre-pregnant self but that was not a good place to be either. Just now, the weight is in different places.

We fell into this comfortable unscheduled laziness when I was home. For 3 months, our lives revolved around the home and our 2 boys. I didn’t shower on most days until close to noon. I spent all day nursing, sitting around, changing a diaper or two, watching a movie with the Shmoo and nursing again. The days went by quick.

We didn’t go crazy trying to have nice healthy things around the house because we just didn’t feel like it. Even worse, now that the Shmoo is in his “helpful”  stage, he wants to make cakes, cupcakes and cookies all the time. ugh.

So, I’ve looked into the various plans for weight loss, including those that supply the food. I thought a food plan might be a good way to go, but  I don’t want  to spend $300 per month on Nutrisystem and still  need to buy all of my fruits and veggies at the store.

I think I’ve decided on Weight Watchers. It worked so well for me in the past and really seems like the only plan that really works with my lifestyle – the “I might have to go to a house party or work meeting and cannot bring my own food” lifestyle.

My neighbor buddy is back on track with WW and she goes on Sunday mornings. She also started walking.

I think that having someone here to physically drive with me to WW meetings might be a good thing too.

So, this Sunday may be my all new Day One of this journey. Wish me luck!

How’s everyone doing out there?


Week 1 weigh in August 4, 2008

Filed under: progress — holly @ 3:17 pm


I am considering doing core, maybe just for a few weeks. I haven’t been to the grocery store and we have a lot going on this week, but maybe next week I’ll give it a try. I always stuck to flex because I’m someone that likes to eat EVERYTHING, and flex gives me the opportunity to do that. However, everyone I know who’s done core has lost weight. And it looks totally doable to me!

As for me…

The good news is that I am down 4.4 lbs for the week!


The bad news is that I have had an awful stomach bug for 4 days, and that’s really what had me lose the weight.

Since I’m not going to have that bug every week, I definitely need to stay on track. However, I am motivated to not gain that weight back. After 4 days like that, I deserve the weight loss.

How’s everyone else doing?!!?


New Challenge May 8, 2008

Filed under: goals,Office Biggest Loser,progress — holly @ 12:31 pm

Some of you may be wondering where I have been and if I have totally fallen off the wagon. If anyone is still reading this.

I don’t know what the hell day it is, but I have actually done pretty well recently. At WW on Monday, I was down 3 lbs for the week. It could have probably been 6 lbs if it wasn’t for my party-filled weekend.

I think I’m moving away from the Spring Challenge and into the Summer Challenge.

A few of my work buddies and I decided to do the Cardiac (fad) diet for a week for shits and giggles. A male co-worker lost 33 lbs in about 8 weeks doing it. It’s 3 days out of 7, so I figure, what the hell. I want results, I’ll take the sacrifices right now.

Yesterday was Day 1 of that diet. I’m doing Wed, Thurs, Fri this week and if it works, we’ll do it again next week.

This discussion at work has sparked me to organize a “Bigg*st Loser” at our office. Monday is Day 1. Everyone gives their “starting weight” on Monday and every Monday they report their weight gained or lost. There’s probably going to be 14 people giving $10 each for the pot. We’ll go for 8 weeks and July 7th will be the unveiling. The biggest Los*r gets 75% of the pot and the runner up gets 25%. It’s amazing how many people here are excited about it! Add some financial incentives and people are raring to go!

So, I am starting the countdown over again with Monday being Day 1 all over again for an 8 week period. I am still doing the Cardiac thing today and tomorrow and still plan on doing a WW-style food plan the rest of the time and incorporating exercise on the non-Cardiac diet days. We’ll see how this all goes.

As for the Spring Challenge actually go?

I think I was 187.2 when I started.
This morning, I was 178.

Down 9.2 for the past 4 weeks. It’s not great, but it’s a loss.
I’m down 27.4 from last May.

23 lbs to go. Totally doable.


10% baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! September 6, 2007

Filed under: goals,great finds,progress — holly @ 1:38 pm

I don’t know how, but I did it. And it only took me 14 weeks of WW (16 weeks total, I think).

My loss for the week was 3.6 lbs! Holy crap!

In all fairness, at last week’s weigh in it was my most bloated, PMS-ey day of the month, which is probably 3 lbs right there.

So, now I need to think of my goal weight. I’m 5’7″ and the booklet shows my ideal weight as between 128-160. Well, I have not been 128 since freshman year of college. I was probably 137 pre-law school, but I am now 185 lbs and I can’t even imagine being under 150 at this point.

I think I’m going to shoot for 155. It’s 30 more lbs. Totally managable, right?

It just seems like such a big amount to lose.

For now, I’m going to enjoy the 20 lbs down and not think about how much is left on my journey!

– – –


I am in LOVE with the Fiber One bars. The oat and chocolate ones are my new little treat! Yummy!


undeserving loss August 23, 2007

Filed under: meetings,progress — holly @ 2:25 pm

Not sure how, but I lost 1.4 lbs.

It’s 17.8 total.

I am .4 less than I was back in mid-July. But that’s okay, because I haven’t deserved to lose weight since then.

Now, I MUST get back on that horse. Dammit.


Week 8? July 12, 2007

Filed under: meetings,progress — holly @ 3:12 am

I missed a meeting last week and didn’t really track at all that entire week, so I’m not sure where I’m at. WW has me at Week 8, so we’re going to go with that.

Something miraculous happened tonight.

Somehow I lost weight. I missed last week and I wasn’t too good for 9 days, but I lost weight.

Another 2 lbs!

That makes 15.8 total!!!

Only 5 more lbs to my 10%!

I guess I need to start thinking about my goal weight soon.


lucky June 29, 2007

Filed under: progress — holly @ 2:18 pm

I am down another 2.8 lbs this week! Wahoo!

I wasn’t the best little WW girl this week and attribute the weight loss to the fact that I was incredibly bloated for last week’s weigh in!

That’s 13.6 lbs so far!

My goal was to lost my first 20 by my birthday which is 24 days away. A little overzealous, I know,  but I’m still shooting for it!


it’s not a gain… June 22, 2007

Filed under: progress — holly @ 1:18 pm

but I only lost .2 this week.

I’ll admit that I wasn’t really good this week. I had a MILLION work parties where you can’t bring your own food and you have to be really restrained.

Plus, I feel like a bloated cow right now due to PMS and that usually adds 2-3 lbs to my weight.

The week will be a good week. This weekend, I’m going kayaking, we are getting the basement cleaned up for me to get the good treadmill in there and I am going to be an ideal Weight Watcher!