The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

GAME ON! July 29, 2008

Filed under: 10 week challenge — holly @ 8:07 pm

Where have I been?

Staying fat and happy miserable. I’m done feeling sorry for myself. I’m back on the wagon.

We did our 8 week Big.gest Lo.ser competition at work. I didn’t win. Not by a long shot. Some people here are doing that 3-day per week cardio diet. I tried it, lost 3 lbs in 3 days and gained 6 lbs on the 4th day.  We started a second season of the BL and I’ve gained weight in the past 3 weeks. WTF?

I’m back to W.eight W.atchers in full force. I got a new 3-month tracker and as of yesterday, I’m writing everything down.

Here’s the scoop, as of this morning, I’m at 175.7 lbs. My (realistic) goal is 155. I would love to be 150. I’m 5’7″ and I seriously doubt I will be my pre-law-school 137 ever again.

I want to lose this weight before two events

1. the beginning of our TTC journey

2. my 10 yr college reunion

Both of these are in October or so. The reunion will likely come first – so I can drink at it 😉 and it’s 73 days from today. 

10 weeks. I am on my very own 10 week challenge.

And we’re off….

Is anyone still reading this? I hope you haven’t totally given up on me yet!

BTW – Great find: Keebler 100 Calorie Fudge Shoppe Grasshopper cookies (2 points) and they taste like thin mint gir.l sc.out cookies!