The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

quick update September 25, 2007

Filed under: meetings,moods — holly @ 7:42 pm

I didn’t report anything last week because I was super crazy with work and life.

I did go to the weigh-in last Wed but didn’t stay for the meeting.

I lost 2 lbs.

So, I’ve almost made up for the gain of the week prior. I’m still sitting at about 20 lbs down so far. Since May. Dammit. That’s it????

Stay positive Hol, it’s more weight than you’ve lost in years.

I have noticed lately (like I didn’t know it before) that I am a stress eater. When I am overwhelmed at work, I’m constantly looking for something to eat. Maybe it’s the ex-smoker in me. I don’t know.

I have had a few of the 100 calorie packs of snackies here and there, but I’m also really liking those Weight Watchers Fruities! It keeps me from hitting the candy machine for Peanut M&Ms.

Today, I am really cranky, crampy and PMSy, so it’s going to take everything I have to not go on a chocolate hunt.


positive steps September 17, 2007

Filed under: clothes — holly @ 2:39 pm

In keeping with my whole “staying positive” thing, I am happy to report that I am wearing a new suit to work today.

It’s been in my closet since February when I had bought it on clearance and knew it was 2 sizes too small.

Despite the fact that I am not as far along as I hoped at this point, I am very, very happy that I fit into this suit.

AND it’s not going to leave a red mark across my belly because it actually FITS!!!


B.F.W.F.* September 11, 2007

Filed under: temptation — holly @ 1:52 pm

I have a new term.

*Barbeque Food Willpower Failure

I’ve had the same pattern for most of the summer. Be a good WWer for Monday through Friday, then throw caution to the wind when it’s weekend party time.

Usually, it’s easy to make better choices, like have the hamburger w/o cheese or bun and turn down dessert, but sometimes, it’s like my ability to make any choices or say NO has taken a vacation.

Sunday was yet another BBQ at Lois’ parents’ house for her mother’s side of the family. There was BBQ chicken, steak, baked potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, veggie casserole, sausage and peppers, pepperoni, cheese, canoli, those little tart things, blueberry donuts, shrimp cocktail, etc.


I also have not exercised AT ALL.

This Wednesday will definitely be a defining moment. It’s been a long summer with little progress. I am tired of writing about my slips off the plan. And I should be happy that I have hit 10% but it’s not enough to satisfy me.

My plan for exercise means that I have to do it at night. We always seem to have plans after work and it’s tough when I get home at 7, want to play with the baby before he goes to sleep and eat dinner. But I’m not at the place where I can get up at 5 am and work out yet. I am too damn lazy. I need my beauty rest.


10% baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! September 6, 2007

Filed under: goals,great finds,progress — holly @ 1:38 pm

I don’t know how, but I did it. And it only took me 14 weeks of WW (16 weeks total, I think).

My loss for the week was 3.6 lbs! Holy crap!

In all fairness, at last week’s weigh in it was my most bloated, PMS-ey day of the month, which is probably 3 lbs right there.

So, now I need to think of my goal weight. I’m 5’7″ and the booklet shows my ideal weight as between 128-160. Well, I have not been 128 since freshman year of college. I was probably 137 pre-law school, but I am now 185 lbs and I can’t even imagine being under 150 at this point.

I think I’m going to shoot for 155. It’s 30 more lbs. Totally managable, right?

It just seems like such a big amount to lose.

For now, I’m going to enjoy the 20 lbs down and not think about how much is left on my journey!

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I am in LOVE with the Fiber One bars. The oat and chocolate ones are my new little treat! Yummy!