The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

17.4 May 19, 2010

Filed under: b.iggest l.oser,exercise,goals — holly @ 10:15 am

I’m down 17.4!

Ugh, I just want to hit that 20 lb mark!

I lost 3 lbs this past week, but it wasn’t because I tracked or ate right or worked out at all. I was actually supposed to be on Week 4 of p90x last week. On Tuesday, I came down with a stomach bug. Sorry for the TMI, but I was spending hours on the john every day for almost 8 days. I was exhausted and my body was achy. I ate anything I could and drank Power.ade like it was going out of style so I didn’t dehydrate. The night before my weigh in, I actually went out to all-you-can-eat-buffet. I wonder how much weight I would have lost if it wasn’t for that.

So, now I’m behind on p90x so I was thinking about going back and doing week 3 again to start fresh.

Then, a conversation with some high school friends on changed my mind.

P90X has been tough because it’s an hour or 1.5 hours per workout. With us moving, the boys both having sleep issues, me being sick, etc., it’s totally been hard to stick with it.

At the same time, a friend at work is trying to convince me to do a sprint triathlon in my town in September.


I’m come up with a plan.

I’ve ordered the Jillian.Michaels from amaz.on and will do that hard core for 30 days. Then, I will be about 13 weeks away from the triathlon, so I start the 12 week beginner’s triathlon training.

If I get through all that, I will go back to p90x after the triathlon or incorporate some of it into my “strength training” part of the tri-training.

All that while sticking with WW.

This week has already gotten off to a horrific start. Dylan’s Baptism is this upcoming Sunday. And it’s almost like since I know I won’t go to my weigh-in on Sunday morning, I’m not being good.

But I’m not going to let a few bad days sink my entire week. I’m back on track today and will hopefully get the Shred dvd in the mail today so I can start it tomorrow!

Then, my brother’s wedding is on Sat., so that will probably be another points-fest.

Oh well. I’m sticking with what I can at this point.

I’m not happy that I’m not more than 17.4 pounds down after 10 weeks but I need to stay positive and remind myself that I’m down 17.4 lbs! Dammit!!

I also won this week of the Biggest.Loser at work! I’m going to spend my $5 on lotto tickets! LOL


below pre-pregnancy weight May 6, 2010

Filed under: exercise,goals,incentives to lose — holly @ 10:17 am

I’m pretty sure I started off my pregnancy at 185 or so. I can’t remember now.

But I lost another 3 lbs this week and weighed in at 184.2!

I’m down 14.8 lbs since March 1.

On the down side, I just had a piece of Bridgewater chocolate with peanut butter. I’m going to give myself 5 points for that. And I’ve probably used all my extra points for the week on Monday and Tuesday. But I’m looking forward.

I’ve not been aggressive with the workouts this week due to some sleep issues in our house. (It’s flippin’ hard to get up at 5:30 am to work out when you’re getting to sleep after 11 or so).

I’m continuing on though. I have a goal to look good for our big golf tournament on June 26th.

I want to be as close to 170 as possible by then!

Plus, I started the Biggest.Loser competition here at work again. This week is Week 1. I’m letting my competitive spirit drive me on this one for the next 8 weeks! I want to win the pot so I can go out and buy myself a suit!


Week 6 April 15, 2010

Filed under: exercise,food,progress — holly @ 11:59 am

I’m in the 180s!

It hasn’t been the fastest weight loss so far. I am down 9.6 since I started WW but there were 2 weeks before and after Easter where I let some things go. Plus, our anniversary weekend, I really enjoyed myself (complete with nachos and this amazing flatbread pizza with steak, cheese, spinach fried onions and some horseradish drizzle, oh my god it was worth it!)

Now I’m really back in the saddle. I’m more back in the saddle than I’ve been in 10 years!!

I am dragging friends along with me to my WW meetings and we’ve started a FB group of our crazy meeting friends.

So I better be blogging on here more!

I’m at 189.4 – only .4 away from my first 10 lbs!

I also started working out. Last week, I found my old Power.90 DVD. I only have the starting one, but I figured I would try it out. I’ve successfully gotten my butt out of bed almost every morning for 10 days now (with 2 days off in there) and done the workouts while everyone else in the house is sleeping.

Tomorrow morning, I will talk to my physical therapist about my knee and see if she’ll give me the go-ahead to start p90x! I know it’s going to kick my ass, but I’m totally ready to have my ass kicked. I have a feeling my knee has taken a step or two backwards since it’s been bothering me a lot this week. It was fine the first week of Power.90 but it’s having some issues lately. I hope it’s just part of the recovery process and I can move on with things!

I also bought a bike.

I was thinking about starting to run and maybe consider doing a 5k this summer. The PT that I see on the weekends has been trying to talk me out of running. He is pushing me towards cycling. I do realize that with my knee issues, cycling would be much better for me.

I am trying not to spend $ right now, unless I end up being really committed to this. So I found a mountain bike at the good.will store for $20. It looks well worn, but it works!

Our area is not great for biking (I live pretty much in the ghetto at the top of a huge hill), so I’m not sure when I’m going to start biking regularly, but I also think I need to not overdo the workout thing just yet.

Other than that, food choices have been getting easier.

Recent finds:

– Sugar-free Arizona Pomegranate Green Tea
– Weight Watchers breakfast quesadillas/breakfast stuffed sandwich/breakfast sandwiches
– WW artisan bread sandwiches
– I’ve rediscovered my love for grapefruit
– Snowpeas!!!

Hope you all are still out there following along!

Mamamia – you are my inspiration! You are doing AWE.SOME!! Keep it up (I also need to know where you got those t-shirts for the kids on your blog!)


Another setback February 10, 2010

Filed under: exercise — holly @ 10:55 pm

I did not weigh in today due to another setback in my journey. I’ve always been able to make up for some cheating with food based on my ability to burn extra calories with athletics.

I did not have the best week when it came to eating but I was gaining confidence with my increased workouts on the elliptical and the wii fit.

Then, Saturday happened.

Saturday was the day I was up in Vermont hitting the slopes with my family.

Skiing may not be the smartest thing to do for someone who just had a baby 10 weeks prior due to loose joints, excess weight and general post-pregnancy hormonal clumsiness, but I did pretty well.

I mean, I’ve been skiing for 30 years and know my limitations and when to take things a little easy. So after a few good runs on the face, I took the soon-to-be 3 year old Shmoo for some runs on the bunny slope.

Of all the slopes I’ve taken on in my life, I never would have thought that the bunny slope would be my downfall.

And there, in line for the magic carpet, it happened.

Shmoo started falling and took my ski with him. I have no idea what happened next or why I couldn’t stop it but I went down. And I both heard and felt it….the POP!

Now stop reading here if you are grossed out easily…

After I realized that I really couldn’t move and actually needed to be taken out of the magic carpet lift line on the bunny slope in a ski patrol sled, I allowed myself to feel my knee.

Let’s just say that I realized that I wasn’t overreacting about the pain when I felt that my kneecap was not in the place it was supposed to be.

2 hours later, I was in a small hospital in Vermont allowing a ER doc to straighten my leg and “relocate” my patella without the benefit of any painkillers.

And it hurt like holy hell.

So, I dislocated my knee. I’m not sure what it all mean yet. MRI was yesterday and results are tomorrow. I expect to avoid surgery altogether bur may need some PT.

It may be a while before o can get back on the elliptical but this just means I need to focus more on my eating now!


I will weigh in tomorrow and consider this point another restart.

Maybe it will be worth considering WW at this point.


8 weeks April 2, 2008

Filed under: exercise,goals,lack of progress — holly @ 1:48 pm

That’s how much time I have between now and Memorial Day weekend.
That’s how much time I have to get off my excuse wagon and lose 20 lbs.

Yes, I said 20 lbs. In 8 weeks.

The program that I printed out is for 5 days a week/8 weeks. I bought myself one of these and I am setting my alarm for 5 am tomorrow morning (if I don’t get my butt on the treadmill tonight).

I know it’s already Wed. and I’m not too on track, but I’m not going to wait for next Monday to start.

I haven’t been to a Weight Watchers meeting in 3 months and I am almost embarrassed to show up now, but maybe next Monday. I’ll get back on the meeting wagon too.

I need my girls more than ever now. I know I’ve been really quiet and everyone who I started this with has done so well.

I’m done with the “here we go again” talking without acting.

Seriously, it’s time to take charge of me.

I only have 8 weeks. Dammit.

Here’s a thought. If there is anyone out there who actually reads this…and you want to lose weight too…do you want to do a little competitive thing?? A little challenge?

Let me know. Every day from now until Memorial Day, I will post. I promise. Good or bad.


boo ya July 19, 2007

Filed under: exercise,meetings — holly @ 2:12 am

I’m not quite sure how, but I’ve lost another 1.8 lbs this week!

Maybe I should start some exercising.  Who knows what my result would be then!


tennis and blowing it at dinner August 24, 2006

Filed under: exercise,lack of progress — holly @ 2:39 pm

Yesterday, I played tennis with my boss for 1 ½ hours before work. Then I had this wonderful cereal from Costco with fiber flakes, cranberries and macadamia nuts. For lunch, chicken sausage (apple & gouda) and a salad with my new favorite dressing (Marie’s Blue Cheese Vinagrette) and ice water.
Things were looking good until I had a diet coke and two sloppy joes for dinner followed up by 3 Corona Lights.
Needless to say, I got on the scale this morning and weigh no less than I did 3 weeks ago.

Tonight the life insurance policy nurse comes to take my blood. Maybe I should take this as a time to seize the moment and work a little harder at this getting healthy crap.