The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

below pre-pregnancy weight May 6, 2010

Filed under: exercise,goals,incentives to lose — holly @ 10:17 am

I’m pretty sure I started off my pregnancy at 185 or so. I can’t remember now.

But I lost another 3 lbs this week and weighed in at 184.2!

I’m down 14.8 lbs since March 1.

On the down side, I just had a piece of Bridgewater chocolate with peanut butter. I’m going to give myself 5 points for that. And I’ve probably used all my extra points for the week on Monday and Tuesday. But I’m looking forward.

I’ve not been aggressive with the workouts this week due to some sleep issues in our house. (It’s flippin’ hard to get up at 5:30 am to work out when you’re getting to sleep after 11 or so).

I’m continuing on though. I have a goal to look good for our big golf tournament on June 26th.

I want to be as close to 170 as possible by then!

Plus, I started the Biggest.Loser competition here at work again. This week is Week 1. I’m letting my competitive spirit drive me on this one for the next 8 weeks! I want to win the pot so I can go out and buy myself a suit!


trigger February 15, 2010

Filed under: incentives to lose — holly @ 8:04 pm

Weight loss is a very personal journey. I think I want to share about it because it helps me stay honest.

There’s usually a triggering factor that gets someone on the road to weight loss. I think that a trigger is what gets you off your butt and is also there to remind you of why you started when you feel like giving up.

For the past 8 years, I have allowed myself to put on an excessive amount of weight all while thinking it would be easy to lose, or that I would take care of the problem “tomorrow.”

Certain things starting piling up that sent me in the direction of Weight Watchers originally back in 2008.

In no particular order of importance…

1. I moved back to the town next to where I grew up and have been running into people recently that I haven’t seen in years. It’s very apparent that some people need a minute to recognize me or that they say “you look well” all while having this expression on their face “wow, what happened to her?” Maybe I imagine that part, but the truth is that I avoid people in grocery stores because I don’t want to be embarrassed when they see the fat me.

2. Many of my current friends have only known me as a fat girl. Every so often, they’ll look through a photo album from when Lois and I met or before that and I’ll get the “holy shit! Is that you!!?!? OMG! Look how skinny you were!”

3. My boys. I want to be a healthy role model for my sons. I want to be healthy for them. I want to not be embarrassed to be in pictures with them. I don’t want to be too embarrassed to get into a bathing suit and play in the pool with them.

4. I’m tired of saying “I used to be…”

I used to be athletic.

I used to be skinny.

I used to be in shape.

The reality is that the “used to be” was much longer ago than I think I’m willing to admit. The “used to be” was now 10 years ago!

This is why I am starting. And this is what I hope will keep me going.

Anyone else have a trigger they want to share?


2008 January 9, 2008

Filed under: incentives to lose — holly @ 3:08 pm

Everyone has new year’s resolutions to lose weight. I have said the same thing every year for the past 5 years.

I will lose weight this year!

And every year, I barely get out of the gate.

2008 is different. I lost 20 lbs in 2007. That’s more than I’ve lost EVER.

2008 is when I continue my journey because I didn’t come this far to STOP HERE.

Yesterday was Day 1 of the WW tracking again. I missed the WW meeting on Monday due to scheduling. But I do know that I did not gain my usual 10 lbs over the holidays. While that isn’t forward progress, it’s progress for me.

I need motivations for myself. Losing weight and setting a goal is a great motivation, but it’s not always enough for me to turn down that cookie or donut.

I will have other goals for myself.

This one is from now until February 22nd. I am leaving for California on that day and want to be skinnier than I am now. I want to feel better about myself and fit into more clothes that are hanging in my office.

My goal is to accomplish that by February 22nd. 6 weeks.

In 6 weeks, I want to lose 10 lbs.

Here we go.


kick start November 8, 2007

Filed under: incentives to lose,the mental part — holly @ 9:06 pm

Ok – so I borrowed this link from the Thick to Thin girls.


 It is the article that I needed right now.

Attitude = Outcome

No more excuses.

I want to lose 30 more lbs.

It starts now.

No more bullshit.


one month! June 15, 2007

Filed under: incentives to lose,progress — holly @ 1:50 pm

I can’t believe it.

I lost 2.8 lbs this week! Holy shit.

That’s 10.6 lbs in 4 weeks!

Why the hell didn’t I start this back in August 2006, or even January?!!?

As corny as they sometimes are, I do like staying for the meetings. This woman was different than the one that runs the meetings on Wednesdays. She was very interactive. One of our co-attendees met her lifetime goal and got her lifetime membership. She lost 48 lbs since August 2006.

Our leader was asking her what got her in the door of WW and what kept her going. She then asked me the same questions because I had lost my first 10.

A few things motivated me. I was 40 lbs heavier than my “fattest” and was embarassed. I wanted to start taking family photos, but I didn’t want to be in them.

I had a friend over one day and when she saw pictures of me from when Lois and I met, she blurted out “OMG – is that even you?? Look how skinny you were!!!”

That’s what got me there and keeps me going!


the end of week 3 June 7, 2007

Filed under: incentives to lose,progress — holly @ 1:47 pm

Ugh. I only lost a little over a pound this week. Lois is telling me not to be disappointed, I did lose something.


I’ll admit that I wasn’t that great this week. Tuesday was a golf tournament where I drank most of my points and yesterday was our “attorney lunch” and it was Mexican.


I didn’t have too many chips and salsa (maybe 6 chips) but I would normally have an entire basket!


So, I’m about 7.8 lbs down in 3 weeks. I know that’s pretty good.


I just need to start some working out! Get my fat ass out of bed in the morning!!!


There’s more of these 100 calorie snacks coming out! I’m so excited.


Another BTW –


This golf tournament on Tuesday, it was for work. It was at this golf club that I came to find out is managed by Lois’ ex’s current partner. I was almost embarrassed that I was so chubby. I hate feeling crappy when I run into people I know because I wish I was skinnier. There’s another incentive to get my butt in gear!


Why didn’t I start WW in January??? If I did, I might actually be considering a bathing suit this summer!


the purpose August 1, 2006

Filed under: incentives to lose — holly @ 9:05 pm

the purpose of this blog is to motivate me to lose weight.
i will document my food intake and exercise, beginning on August 1, 2006 and hopefully make my goal of losing 40-45 lbs.