The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

uphill climb February 25, 2010

Filed under: progress — holly @ 12:22 pm

I think that I’m nearing the end of my immobile, inactivity funk. I am back to work and having to wear real clothes instead of baggy sweatpants every day has brought me back to reality.

I do weigh pretty much the same as my pre-pregnant self but that was not a good place to be either. Just now, the weight is in different places.

We fell into this comfortable unscheduled laziness when I was home. For 3 months, our lives revolved around the home and our 2 boys. I didn’t shower on most days until close to noon. I spent all day nursing, sitting around, changing a diaper or two, watching a movie with the Shmoo and nursing again. The days went by quick.

We didn’t go crazy trying to have nice healthy things around the house because we just didn’t feel like it. Even worse, now that the Shmoo is in his “helpful”  stage, he wants to make cakes, cupcakes and cookies all the time. ugh.

So, I’ve looked into the various plans for weight loss, including those that supply the food. I thought a food plan might be a good way to go, but  I don’t want  to spend $300 per month on Nutrisystem and still  need to buy all of my fruits and veggies at the store.

I think I’ve decided on Weight Watchers. It worked so well for me in the past and really seems like the only plan that really works with my lifestyle – the “I might have to go to a house party or work meeting and cannot bring my own food” lifestyle.

My neighbor buddy is back on track with WW and she goes on Sunday mornings. She also started walking.

I think that having someone here to physically drive with me to WW meetings might be a good thing too.

So, this Sunday may be my all new Day One of this journey. Wish me luck!

How’s everyone doing out there?


Plans February 18, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — holly @ 5:44 pm

Just a quick note to say that I’m still here. Due to the injury and some chaos in the past 2 weeks, my progress has been thwarted.
I feel sluggish and think that since my maternity leave ends as of Monday, that I have a good reason to get back on the wagon.
As I said before, I was thinking about not doing weight watchers this time around, but I’m curious about other programs.
Had anyone out there had success with Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem or any other program? What about feedback on programs that you buy the food from?
I’m also curious about cost. Any input on a reasonable and effective program?


trigger February 15, 2010

Filed under: incentives to lose — holly @ 8:04 pm

Weight loss is a very personal journey. I think I want to share about it because it helps me stay honest.

There’s usually a triggering factor that gets someone on the road to weight loss. I think that a trigger is what gets you off your butt and is also there to remind you of why you started when you feel like giving up.

For the past 8 years, I have allowed myself to put on an excessive amount of weight all while thinking it would be easy to lose, or that I would take care of the problem “tomorrow.”

Certain things starting piling up that sent me in the direction of Weight Watchers originally back in 2008.

In no particular order of importance…

1. I moved back to the town next to where I grew up and have been running into people recently that I haven’t seen in years. It’s very apparent that some people need a minute to recognize me or that they say “you look well” all while having this expression on their face “wow, what happened to her?” Maybe I imagine that part, but the truth is that I avoid people in grocery stores because I don’t want to be embarrassed when they see the fat me.

2. Many of my current friends have only known me as a fat girl. Every so often, they’ll look through a photo album from when Lois and I met or before that and I’ll get the “holy shit! Is that you!!?!? OMG! Look how skinny you were!”

3. My boys. I want to be a healthy role model for my sons. I want to be healthy for them. I want to not be embarrassed to be in pictures with them. I don’t want to be too embarrassed to get into a bathing suit and play in the pool with them.

4. I’m tired of saying “I used to be…”

I used to be athletic.

I used to be skinny.

I used to be in shape.

The reality is that the “used to be” was much longer ago than I think I’m willing to admit. The “used to be” was now 10 years ago!

This is why I am starting. And this is what I hope will keep me going.

Anyone else have a trigger they want to share?


Another setback February 10, 2010

Filed under: exercise — holly @ 10:55 pm

I did not weigh in today due to another setback in my journey. I’ve always been able to make up for some cheating with food based on my ability to burn extra calories with athletics.

I did not have the best week when it came to eating but I was gaining confidence with my increased workouts on the elliptical and the wii fit.

Then, Saturday happened.

Saturday was the day I was up in Vermont hitting the slopes with my family.

Skiing may not be the smartest thing to do for someone who just had a baby 10 weeks prior due to loose joints, excess weight and general post-pregnancy hormonal clumsiness, but I did pretty well.

I mean, I’ve been skiing for 30 years and know my limitations and when to take things a little easy. So after a few good runs on the face, I took the soon-to-be 3 year old Shmoo for some runs on the bunny slope.

Of all the slopes I’ve taken on in my life, I never would have thought that the bunny slope would be my downfall.

And there, in line for the magic carpet, it happened.

Shmoo started falling and took my ski with him. I have no idea what happened next or why I couldn’t stop it but I went down. And I both heard and felt it….the POP!

Now stop reading here if you are grossed out easily…

After I realized that I really couldn’t move and actually needed to be taken out of the magic carpet lift line on the bunny slope in a ski patrol sled, I allowed myself to feel my knee.

Let’s just say that I realized that I wasn’t overreacting about the pain when I felt that my kneecap was not in the place it was supposed to be.

2 hours later, I was in a small hospital in Vermont allowing a ER doc to straighten my leg and “relocate” my patella without the benefit of any painkillers.

And it hurt like holy hell.

So, I dislocated my knee. I’m not sure what it all mean yet. MRI was yesterday and results are tomorrow. I expect to avoid surgery altogether bur may need some PT.

It may be a while before o can get back on the elliptical but this just means I need to focus more on my eating now!


I will weigh in tomorrow and consider this point another restart.

Maybe it will be worth considering WW at this point.


The best laid plans February 4, 2010

Filed under: daily updates — holly @ 12:03 pm

Wednesdays are my Day One of the week. So, yesterday was Day One of the whole weight loss ordeal.

I weighed in.

It was awful.

But I have a starting point. ugh.

This morning, I set out to do my Jillian.Michaels Wii Fit game and started a 30 minute weight loss workout. 4.5 minutes into the program, Andrew came downstairs and stood next to me asking questions.

Less than 2 minutes later, Dylan started screeching over the baby monitor.

So, I got about 6.5 minutes done so far. I will try again around 1 pm if I get Andrew down in his playroom or down for a nap! That’s hoping I can keep Dylan on the same nap cycle!

Lo also wavered a little from our plans and brought home some things from Costco yesterday that are not the most helpful:

– Costco sized muffins (banana nut and corn)

– frozen Texas toast

– a ginormous bag of tortilla chips

I will try to refrain. I am leaving for Vermont tomorrow afternoon and will probably have to eat for convenience for 2 days, then will have to survive the Super Bowl.

But if I cheat, I will try not to achieve the expanded belly level of fullness that I usually shoot for!

Week One is already proving to be a challenge, but then again I’m not giving up!


playing along February 2, 2010

Filed under: weight loss buddies — holly @ 8:45 am

I have been asked how friends can participate and communicate during this journey. Since I’m not incredibly techonologically advanced, I don’t have many suggestions.

If anyone wants to write their own blog, I can put a “blog roll” on the side of my page so that we can all connect to each other.

Or just keep commenting on my page to keep status and communications going.

Any other suggestions?