The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

B.F.W.F.* September 11, 2007

Filed under: temptation — holly @ 1:52 pm

I have a new term.

*Barbeque Food Willpower Failure

I’ve had the same pattern for most of the summer. Be a good WWer for Monday through Friday, then throw caution to the wind when it’s weekend party time.

Usually, it’s easy to make better choices, like have the hamburger w/o cheese or bun and turn down dessert, but sometimes, it’s like my ability to make any choices or say NO has taken a vacation.

Sunday was yet another BBQ at Lois’ parents’ house for her mother’s side of the family. There was BBQ chicken, steak, baked potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, veggie casserole, sausage and peppers, pepperoni, cheese, canoli, those little tart things, blueberry donuts, shrimp cocktail, etc.


I also have not exercised AT ALL.

This Wednesday will definitely be a defining moment. It’s been a long summer with little progress. I am tired of writing about my slips off the plan. And I should be happy that I have hit 10% but it’s not enough to satisfy me.

My plan for exercise means that I have to do it at night. We always seem to have plans after work and it’s tough when I get home at 7, want to play with the baby before he goes to sleep and eat dinner. But I’m not at the place where I can get up at 5 am and work out yet. I am too damn lazy. I need my beauty rest.


how to make good choices… August 20, 2007

Filed under: daily tally,temptation — holly @ 5:33 pm

..when there are none.

This should be more in the form of a question: How the hell do I make good decisions when I have limited options???

 We had the Healing Hearts motorcycle poker run this weekend. I was a volunteer, not a rider. But I am still working on Lois on the motorcycle thing, so maybe I can participate next year!

After the run (and I only had one iced coffee – 1 point and some waters while I was sitting at my spot), I headed to the finish line for food.

My options were:

Hotdogs w/ kraut



baked ziti


macaroni salad

That’s it. So, what did I have?

Two hotdogs with kraut and 1 hamburger. Ok, and I had one cupcake.

After a not-too-bad dinner last night, I had expended 17 of my EXTRA weekly points in one day.



a decidedly bad week or two August 2, 2007

Filed under: lack of progress,temptation — holly @ 8:18 pm

With my birthday and 2 work parties and our trip to Provincetown, I made a decision to enjoy myself and not turn much down in the way of food for about 10 days.

I know it’s not the “Weight Watchers” way to do that, but I knew that I would go back on and be a really good girl when I returned from vacation, and I’m back to writing everything down.

I missed 2 meetings (7/25 and 8/1) and will be back at the 8/8 meeting facing the scale.

I don’t regret anything. Really, I don’t. I know I could have made more limited decisions, but I didn’t want to.

I looked at the pictures from our trip and it really hit me again that no matter the progress I have made, I still have a ways to go before I think I can feel accomplished in this weight loss journey.

So, I think I gained 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks. I don’t consider my scale at home to be a basis for anything, I’ll wait until I get the official reading from the WW scale next week.

In the meantime, it’s back to the grind. I’m thinking we have about 32 lbs more to go. Probably about 5 shy of my 10%.


the end of week 9 July 18, 2007

Filed under: daily tally,temptation — holly @ 1:57 pm

With a huge family BBQ (the Italian side) this past weekend, I wasn’t on my best behavior. Let’s just say that I didn’t write down one thing on Saturday and just assumed that I used all of my extra points for the week.

Sunday was okay, but I’ve been really, really good the rest of the week.

Yesterday, I had:

Fiber One cereal = 3 points

DD coffee w. skim and splenda = 1 point

Salad with light dressing and 1 piece of grilled salmon = 5 points

2 Diet Dr. Peppers = o points

raw carrots = 0 points

Turkey Wrap** = 7 points

Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich = 2 points

Total = 18 points

When I started on WW, my daily point goal was 26. Based on where my weight is now, it’s 24 points.

**I am especially proud of the turkey wrap. It was basically a large flour tortilla with lettuce, mayo and sliced turkey. I’m guessing on the points. The reason I am proud of the wrap is that I was at the firefighter’s carnival last night and was starving. Lois and Suz got hamburgers and fries and they looked yummy. After staring at the menu, I found something reasonable to eat and got the wrap instead of a burger and fries.


WW vacation July 11, 2007

Filed under: lack of progress,temptation — holly @ 2:38 pm

I’ve been on a weight loss vacation of sorts. I’ve made conscious decisions to eat certain things at BBQs and such fully aware of the consequences. Dammit.

So, tonight, I will return to my regularly scheduled WW meeting after missing a week and I will grin and bear what ever the results is.

I’ve haven’t even written down more than a day or two in the last 2 weeks! That’s horrible!

I had hoped to lose my 10% by my birthday (10 days away) and it’s sunk in that my choices have prevented me from reaching such a ridiculous goal. But, it’s time to pick my ass up again.


Mister Softee June 21, 2007

Filed under: temptation — holly @ 5:32 pm

The Mister Softee truck is outside the office. It’s actually strategically parked outside my office window.

I did walk out there to be social, chatted for a few minutes, saw all of the soft serve sundaes that everyone was eating, and went back to my desk, sulking that I forgot to at least bring a Hostess 100 calorie pack to work with me.

Oh well. Maybe an apple and a WW granola bar will be just what I need.


ice cream June 19, 2007

Filed under: temptation — holly @ 9:14 pm

I just received an email from Human Resources.

In celebration of the first day of summer, our firm will have a Mister Softee ice cream truck come into our back parking lot for an hour of free ice cream on Thursday.

Damn them.


blown weekend June 11, 2007

Filed under: lack of progress,temptation — holly @ 1:55 pm

This weekend was a shitty weight watchers weekend!

Saturday was the big golf tournament (the lesbian event of the year) and I drank most of my points (at least it was light beer).

Sunday was lunch/dinner at Lois’ aunt’s house and I forgot to bring my own food. She made ravioli and meatballs with homemade cheesecake for dessert. AND Arthur Avenue bread from the Bronx!

Hey, I gotta be somewhat human!


almost done with week one! May 21, 2007

Filed under: temptation — holly @ 9:18 pm

I think I’ve been doing pretty well. So, maybe I wasn’t perfect yesterday at Emma’s baptism.

I had a some tiny little peppers with provolone and prosciotto (sp?) but I only had 4 pieces of pasta and didn’t have any bread (ok, one bite to see if it was yummy. It wasn’t worth it).

I had the fruit salad instead of the cake. And I’m sure the veal entree, while surrounded with artichokes and asparagus, wasn’t the most point-free meal. But I did drink sparkling water the entire afternoon. Until…


We got back to B. and S.’s house and her highly intoxicated, and fun relatives forced me into drinking. Ok, so maybe I wasn’t forced.

I did figure that a rum and diet coke would be better than my usual beer, but not so much. Plus, I was not making my own drinks, so I’m a little worried about how many “jiggers” I might have really had.

Let’s just say yesterday I gave up a significant amount of my excess weekly points.

Aside from that, I’ve been doing pretty well, I think. I guess I won’t know if I’ve made any progress until the weigh-in in 2 days.


battling myself April 19, 2007

Filed under: temptation — holly @ 5:46 pm

Water. I love water. It must be ice cold, but I can get used to drinking this.

That’s what I am trying to tell myself today as I’ve been jonesing for a Diet Coke since 11 am.

The snack machine has a new kind of Sun Chips – Garden Salsa. They are yummy, but I’m sure having the grapefruit sitting on my desk would be a better plan.

This whole thing is going to be a battle with myself.

Tonight – I play tennis for an hour. Maybe I can burn off the Sun Chips I just ate.