The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

just mad October 18, 2007

Filed under: lack of progress — holly @ 1:16 pm

I got weighed in last night at WW (not expecting much) and found that I was just pissed off. I was pissed at myself for being almost exactly where I was on week 9 and now it’s week 20 or 21???? WTF?!?!?!

 I am mad at myself for wasting money on WW when we are in such need of penny pinching. Why is it wasting money?? Because I am not utilitizing it appropriately. I am practicing poor self control and being totally flagrant about my cheating.

I started this to lose 50 lbs. As of yesterday, I am at 18.4. As I said, that is where I was about 12 weeks ago. I’ve let 12 weeks go by within taking control of this.

There are no more excuses. I am doing this now. Back on the week 1 wagon. I’m doing this for my kid, my wife, my health, my self-confidence, my friends and family and for ME! ME! ME!!!


1. I will stay in the WW flex plan and write everything down

2. I will stick to the good health guidelines (water, milk, fruits, veggies)

3. I will dust off that treadmill and start the Couch to 5K program!!

4. I will think before I eat.

5. I will prepare better.

6. I will not let others influence me.

7. I will attend meetings.

8. I will feel better about myself!