The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

New Challenge May 8, 2008

Filed under: goals,Office Biggest Loser,progress — holly @ 12:31 pm

Some of you may be wondering where I have been and if I have totally fallen off the wagon. If anyone is still reading this.

I don’t know what the hell day it is, but I have actually done pretty well recently. At WW on Monday, I was down 3 lbs for the week. It could have probably been 6 lbs if it wasn’t for my party-filled weekend.

I think I’m moving away from the Spring Challenge and into the Summer Challenge.

A few of my work buddies and I decided to do the Cardiac (fad) diet for a week for shits and giggles. A male co-worker lost 33 lbs in about 8 weeks doing it. It’s 3 days out of 7, so I figure, what the hell. I want results, I’ll take the sacrifices right now.

Yesterday was Day 1 of that diet. I’m doing Wed, Thurs, Fri this week and if it works, we’ll do it again next week.

This discussion at work has sparked me to organize a “Bigg*st Loser” at our office. Monday is Day 1. Everyone gives their “starting weight” on Monday and every Monday they report their weight gained or lost. There’s probably going to be 14 people giving $10 each for the pot. We’ll go for 8 weeks and July 7th will be the unveiling. The biggest Los*r gets 75% of the pot and the runner up gets 25%. It’s amazing how many people here are excited about it! Add some financial incentives and people are raring to go!

So, I am starting the countdown over again with Monday being Day 1 all over again for an 8 week period. I am still doing the Cardiac thing today and tomorrow and still plan on doing a WW-style food plan the rest of the time and incorporating exercise on the non-Cardiac diet days. We’ll see how this all goes.

As for the Spring Challenge actually go?

I think I was 187.2 when I started.
This morning, I was 178.

Down 9.2 for the past 4 weeks. It’s not great, but it’s a loss.
I’m down 27.4 from last May.

23 lbs to go. Totally doable.