The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

2008 January 9, 2008

Filed under: incentives to lose — holly @ 3:08 pm

Everyone has new year’s resolutions to lose weight. I have said the same thing every year for the past 5 years.

I will lose weight this year!

And every year, I barely get out of the gate.

2008 is different. I lost 20 lbs in 2007. That’s more than I’ve lost EVER.

2008 is when I continue my journey because I didn’t come this far to STOP HERE.

Yesterday was Day 1 of the WW tracking again. I missed the WW meeting on Monday due to scheduling. But I do know that I did not gain my usual 10 lbs over the holidays. While that isn’t forward progress, it’s progress for me.

I need motivations for myself. Losing weight and setting a goal is a great motivation, but it’s not always enough for me to turn down that cookie or donut.

I will have other goals for myself.

This one is from now until February 22nd. I am leaving for California on that day and want to be skinnier than I am now. I want to feel better about myself and fit into more clothes that are hanging in my office.

My goal is to accomplish that by February 22nd. 6 weeks.

In 6 weeks, I want to lose 10 lbs.

Here we go.