The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

About April 19, 2007

When I met Lois, I was a size 8. I blame her (and law school) for my INCREDIBLE weight gain. When I started law school, I weighed 138 lbs. My first weigh in at WW in 2008, I was 205.

OMG! How did that happen? How did “a few extra pounds here and there” add up so quickly?!

I’ve lost my 10% and more at Weight Watchers, then fell off the weight loss wagon with a resounding THUD!

In the last year, I began the TTC process and had a wonderful 9 (10, actually) month pregnancy and had our second beautiful baby boy!

At the beginning of the pregnancy (and several moments throughout the entire pregnancy), I really wished that I hadn’t started out so heavy and out of shape. I vowed to myself then that I wouldn’t get that heavy again!

Now, at 10 weeks post-pregnancy, I feel like I’ve had my misbehaving time and need to take control again.

I am not aiming to be 138 again, but intend on getting under 160. I don’t have my official goal weight yet, but I think I will shoot for between 150 and 155.

I am thinking of making a treat for myself at the end of my weight loss journey, like a few suits at Ann Taylor or something.

Feel free to join me!


One Response to “About”

  1. elizabethlee Says:

    I found your blog while updating mine. I started WW at the first of the year after getting much too fat over the course of the last year. Last year was really stressful as my daughter (DOB April 21, 2004) was being treated for cancer. She is still in treatment but I am tring to lose the weight that was causing me to become officially diabetic.
    so far I lost 16 lbs, but then I found a few of them again. this week I must make that scale go DOWN
    Keep the faith

    martha (mom of elizabeth lee)

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