The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

how many months? March 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — holly @ 7:49 pm

I am writing this post for Holly. Not me, but the other Holly. The one who is also on this weight loss journey through blogland.

It has been 5 months since my last post and I have probably not lost a single pound since then. The good news is, that I really haven’t gained much. I’m holding steady at “borderline obese” according to my Wii Fit.

I am not giving up though, I am actually back on the wagon as of this week. We are doing the weight loss challenge again at work and I want to win it! (My dinner last night will probably sink me for the entire week though! sigh)

Along with this, we have starting TTCing again. Today, actually. And while I was in the waiting room, I was reading “what to expect” – which I own but never read last time around. It said something about how it was ideal to start off pregnancy in great shape, but it’s never too late to start.

So, I have all of the tools. I have my WW knowledge, I have my new Wii Fit, complete with the Jillian.Michaels game (which I love) and I have a hand-me-down elliptical in my basement.

I can do this. It’s time.

Maybe I can lose a little weight before I start gaining it again! LOL!