The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

week 1 of 10 September 15, 2008

Filed under: lack of progress — holly @ 11:13 am

well, it was a crappy week. if you’ve been reading my other blog, you know my head’s been playing tricks on my body.

I was a terrible eater this past week, but I am chalking it up to needing comfort and lacking self control. In the past week, however, I did do 2 sessions (should have been three) of the Week One – Couch to 5k podcast. Plus, I’m really motivated not to continue it.

I did gain weight this past week, but I’m calling it a wash. Today is the most bloated day of my month and I’m not counting that as gained weight this morning.

After cleaning the garage yesterday, I found some of my lost motivation. I found it in a box of pictures. They were from about 8-9 years ago when I was cute and skinny. Back when I met my wife and she probably thought she was getting a hottie! Those pics renewed my drive to lose this damn weight.

The newest hurdle I’m facing is this medication I’ve started that has a side effect of weight gain. I’m hoping I can stay on course with the eating and the running and overcome that.

How’s everyone else doing?!?!


bad bad girl September 2, 2008

Filed under: lack of progress — holly @ 3:59 pm

Sorry about the hiatus. I’ve been a terrible weight loser lately.

Our bigg.est thing at work ends today and I think I’ve gained weight in the past 8 weeks. And now, I’m only 30 days away from my college reunion (and 20 lbs to lose before my goal).

I have some major readjustments to make, but I think I have done my damage and am ready to get back on track.


Onward and upward. I’m back to doing a flex plan for this week. I did do very well on Core – when I actually followed it. But this would be too tough of a Core week.

We have house guests for a few more weeks and it’s been hard to entertain and be 100% good. I’m hoping by tracking again, I’ll force myself to behave.

How’s everyone doing out there?