The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

boo ya July 19, 2007

Filed under: exercise,meetings — holly @ 2:12 am

I’m not quite sure how, but I’ve lost another 1.8 lbs this week!

Maybe I should start some exercising.  Who knows what my result would be then!


the end of week 9 July 18, 2007

Filed under: daily tally,temptation — holly @ 1:57 pm

With a huge family BBQ (the Italian side) this past weekend, I wasn’t on my best behavior. Let’s just say that I didn’t write down one thing on Saturday and just assumed that I used all of my extra points for the week.

Sunday was okay, but I’ve been really, really good the rest of the week.

Yesterday, I had:

Fiber One cereal = 3 points

DD coffee w. skim and splenda = 1 point

Salad with light dressing and 1 piece of grilled salmon = 5 points

2 Diet Dr. Peppers = o points

raw carrots = 0 points

Turkey Wrap** = 7 points

Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich = 2 points

Total = 18 points

When I started on WW, my daily point goal was 26. Based on where my weight is now, it’s 24 points.

**I am especially proud of the turkey wrap. It was basically a large flour tortilla with lettuce, mayo and sliced turkey. I’m guessing on the points. The reason I am proud of the wrap is that I was at the firefighter’s carnival last night and was starving. Lois and Suz got hamburgers and fries and they looked yummy. After staring at the menu, I found something reasonable to eat and got the wrap instead of a burger and fries.


my trophy July 13, 2007

Filed under: goals — holly @ 1:23 pm

I noticed that some of the girls over at From Thick to Thin have come up with treats for themselves when they achieve their weight loss goals.

I was thinking about what my personal trophy would be, other than feeling and looking awesome! LOL!

My mother promised to take me clothes shopping, so that’s my special treat from her. I want to do something for myself.

I’m thinking this over and will need to do something that I’ve always wanted.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is getting a motorcycle. I think that’s a great trophy for myself.

My wife has been against this forever, so she retains veto power over my decision to get one, but I might start working on her a little.

Or find something else that’s a perfect trophy.

But I really want a motorcycle.


my kick ass sandwich July 12, 2007

Filed under: great finds — holly @ 4:54 pm

I just had a kick ass sandwich that my incredible wife made me for work today.

Weight watchers bread (2 slices), Sante Fe sliced turkey (it’s a little spicier than sausalito), muenster cheese ( 1 slice), my non-fat sour cream and fresh salsa mixture, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce and tomato.

I have to figure out how many points it is, but with my side of sliced cucumbers, I think I’m doing pretty well.

I also just turned down the bag of Ruffles in the break room. I love Ruffles. But cucumbers are better, dammit.


Week 8?

Filed under: meetings,progress — holly @ 3:12 am

I missed a meeting last week and didn’t really track at all that entire week, so I’m not sure where I’m at. WW has me at Week 8, so we’re going to go with that.

Something miraculous happened tonight.

Somehow I lost weight. I missed last week and I wasn’t too good for 9 days, but I lost weight.

Another 2 lbs!

That makes 15.8 total!!!

Only 5 more lbs to my 10%!

I guess I need to start thinking about my goal weight soon.


WW vacation July 11, 2007

Filed under: lack of progress,temptation — holly @ 2:38 pm

I’ve been on a weight loss vacation of sorts. I’ve made conscious decisions to eat certain things at BBQs and such fully aware of the consequences. Dammit.

So, tonight, I will return to my regularly scheduled WW meeting after missing a week and I will grin and bear what ever the results is.

I’ve haven’t even written down more than a day or two in the last 2 weeks! That’s horrible!

I had hoped to lose my 10% by my birthday (10 days away) and it’s sunk in that my choices have prevented me from reaching such a ridiculous goal. But, it’s time to pick my ass up again.


mexican food July 3, 2007

Filed under: great finds,recipes — holly @ 12:54 pm

I am a mexican food FANATIC.

Lately, I’ve been working on finding ways to have my mexican.

Here’s the scoop…

I get the HUGE thing of fresh salsa at Costco and put it on as much as possible. (Pretty much zero points!)

I discovered that 90% lean ground beef is around the same as the same amount of ground turkey.

Lois bought (by mistake actually), these small Low Carb flour tortillas and they are 1 point each and in my opinion, much better than the whole wheat tortillas. (Although, you can get a much bigger whole wheat tortilla for 1 point each).

AND, my wife brought me home some wonderful, slightly overripe avocados this week. I am in hog heaven.

Here’s my meal:

2 low-carb flour tortillas = 2 points

lean ground beef = 4 points

small amount of shredded cheddar cheese (use 50% low fat when it’s in the house) = 1 point

non-fat sour cream = 0 points (This is usually much better tasting when mixed with salsa)

mashed up small avocado mixed with fresh salsa = 2 points

onions, tomatoes and lettuce = 0 points

Total: 9 points! 

Even if I am off in my points tally, it’s not more than 10 or 11 total.

This is what I had for dinner last night. And after a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich for dessert, I still had 4 points left.

Tonight is our “trailer trash” fireworks party and tomorrow is a BBQ. This will be tough, but I will show up with my turkey sausage and my veggies, ready to grill!

If I’m really on top of things and get out of work early tonight, I might make some kabobs!! Yummy!

Hope everyone has a fun, happy and safe 4th of July!

Hope all my WW buddies behave!