The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

starting fresh January 31, 2010

Filed under: post-pregnancy restart — holly @ 5:15 pm

All I can say is, “holy crap, it’s been a while since I posted on here.”

I have excuses reasons, of course.

I can say that I was pregnant for 9 months (10 actually) and couldn’t watch my weight then because I had to eat whatever my body let me eat.

Now, I can say that I just had a baby (10 weeks ago) and what do you expect other than a flabby mommy.

I can also use the excuse that I am nursing and should therefore have an extra 500 calories per day (which somehow turns into an extra 1500).

But, let’s be honest here, I cannot truly use those excuses too much. I am actually now 5 lbs less than I was at my OB appointment 8 weeks into the pregnancy!

Time to shed the excuses and start anew.

I want to lose weight. Seriously.

Yes, I am still nursing but I want to ease into this a little bit. I have a mental picture of the long term goals and know I need to start with some short term ones.

This time, I am going to try it without doing Weight.Watchers. I know that’s the frugal part of me that is going this route, but I think with Lo and I working together on weekly menus, we can do it.

The plan is pretty simple.

Eat better and work out.

The eating better part is definitely the hard one for me.

I love food. I love extra sour cream on my nachos. I love 5 Guys burgers and fries and I love a warm piece of fresh bread with 2 pats of real butter on it.


um….where was I?

Oh yes, a food plan. My food plan consists of just that – a plan. Lo and I will sit down on Sunday and write out a meal plan for the week. It doesn’t necessarily have to be whole grain rice and broccoli for every meal (note to self: baby doesn’t like it when mommy eats broccoli).

But when we (meaning Lois) hit the grocery store on Sunday afternoon with the food plan, we only buy those items. No bad snacks, no soda, no candy. Snacks will include things like yogurt, granola, popcorn (sans butter), cereal, Special K bars, etc.

The working out part is definitely the hard one for me too.

I used to be athletic. It’s funny how far back that used to be is now.

My entire life used to revolve around activity, play, physical fitness in one way or another. Now….not so much.

I’m heavy. And being heavy makes it harder to work out or even motivate yourself to work out. Not working out makes you stay heavy. This cycle has been working well for me.

Now, I plan to get back into a workout mode acknowledging the fact that my older and heavier body cannot do the things that I did 10-15 years ago – yet.

I will start with Jillian Michaels on my Wii Fit. And also use the elliptical machine in my house. We moved somethings around in the house so the elliptical machine is no longer in the basement playroom behind the couch but now in my bedroom, on my side of the bed. It’s in the perfect spot for me to notice since I stub my toe on it 4-5 times per week getting out of bed.

I know this first post is a little long, but it’s my STEP ONE in the process.

Short term goal # 1:

5% weight loss in 5 weeks

Starting Method:

25-30 min on elliptical (x per week)

2 Wii Fit workouts per week (20-30 min)

Food plan

I’m not planning on taking any pictures of myself along the way. Maybe I will, but I don’t plan on actually posting them on the internets for all to see. I also don’t plan on actually sharing raw weight numbers unless I start feeling good about it.

I’m posting this to make myself stay honest. I intend on posting every 3 days or so – even if I’m not being good, I will post to take the hits as well as the kudos!

Feel free to join me – I’d absolutely love to have some buddies who want to participate!