The Skinny on Holly

Because sitting on my couch and wishing the pounds away didn't work

Plans February 18, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — holly @ 5:44 pm

Just a quick note to say that I’m still here. Due to the injury and some chaos in the past 2 weeks, my progress has been thwarted.
I feel sluggish and think that since my maternity leave ends as of Monday, that I have a good reason to get back on the wagon.
As I said before, I was thinking about not doing weight watchers this time around, but I’m curious about other programs.
Had anyone out there had success with Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem or any other program? What about feedback on programs that you buy the food from?
I’m also curious about cost. Any input on a reasonable and effective program?


how many months? March 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — holly @ 7:49 pm

I am writing this post for Holly. Not me, but the other Holly. The one who is also on this weight loss journey through blogland.

It has been 5 months since my last post and I have probably not lost a single pound since then. The good news is, that I really haven’t gained much. I’m holding steady at “borderline obese” according to my Wii Fit.

I am not giving up though, I am actually back on the wagon as of this week. We are doing the weight loss challenge again at work and I want to win it! (My dinner last night will probably sink me for the entire week though! sigh)

Along with this, we have starting TTCing again. Today, actually. And while I was in the waiting room, I was reading “what to expect” – which I own but never read last time around. It said something about how it was ideal to start off pregnancy in great shape, but it’s never too late to start.

So, I have all of the tools. I have my WW knowledge, I have my new Wii Fit, complete with the Jillian.Michaels game (which I love) and I have a hand-me-down elliptical in my basement.

I can do this. It’s time.

Maybe I can lose a little weight before I start gaining it again! LOL!